1st Swiss National GAW/GCOS Symposium 2021: White Paper
The Global Atmosphere Watch (GAW) and Global Climate Observing System (GCOS) are international activities to coordinate long-term systematic observations of the composition of the atmosphere and the climate system as well as regularly assess the status of global climate observations and produce guidance for their improvement. They also facilitate services in the areas of climate, air quality and health. Switzerland implements GAW and GCOS programmes through GAW-CH and GCOS Switzerland. Both national programmes are coordinated by MeteoSwiss and implemented in partnership with a network of research and environmental institutions. The first joint Swiss National GAW and GCOS Symposium was held in Bern, and via livestream, on 13-14 September 2021. Recent achievements were presented with the aim to identify key observa- tional gaps, and spark ideas for future initiatives to be promoted by GAW-CH and GCOS Switzer- land. This event aimed at discussing the bigger scientific picture by structuring the sessions along the Earth System cycles for carbon, energy, and water
Fonte: MeteoSwiss: 2022, 1st Swiss National GAW/GCOS Symposium 2021: White Paper, Technical Report MeteoSwiss, 280, 33 pp.