TRAINING (2.4.1)

La piattaforma unisce le società specifiche e organi scientifici che si dedicano ai diversi settori delle scienze della terra. Funge da punto di contatto tra i diversi campi specifici delle scienze della terra nonché tra ricerca, pratica, amministrazione, politica e pubblico.di più

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Geoscienze? - Platform Geosciences

Ibex at the Glecksteinhütte over Grindelwald
Immagine: Pierre Dèzes

Geosciences investigate the system Earth from its core to its atmosphere. They study the structure, the evolution and the dynamics of our planet, as well as the processes – particularly the cycles and fluxes – within the lithosphere (rocks), the pedosphere (soils), the hydrosphere (water), the cryosphere (ice & snow) and the atmosphere. Geosciences also investigate the interactions of these components of the geosphere with each other or with the biosphere.

Furthermore, geosciences deal with the impact of human activity on our planet, as well as with the social, economical, technological and territorial transformations in a world in constant mutation.