TRAINING (2.4.1)

La piattaforma unisce le società specifiche e organi scientifici che si dedicano ai diversi settori delle scienze della terra. Funge da punto di contatto tra i diversi campi specifici delle scienze della terra nonché tra ricerca, pratica, amministrazione, politica e pubblico.di più

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Abstract Volume Swiss Geoscience Meeting 2009, Neuchâtel

Water Across Boundaries

Abstract Volume SGM 2009
  1. Water across (scientific) boundaries
  2. Structural Geology, Tectonics and Geodynamics
  3. Mineralogy-Petrology-Geochemistry
  4. Open Cryosphere session
  5. Meteorology and climatology
  6. Darwin, Evolution and Palaeontology
  7. Future horizons in marine and continental research drilling
  8. Geoscience and Geoinformation – From data acquisition to modelling and visualisation
  9. Water and land resources in developing countries: towards innovative management and governance
  10. Processes and environments influenced by water – boundaries crossed and encountered in the Quaternary research
  11. Decision oriented modelling of the geosphere
  12. Biological, physical and chemical processes in soils

Autori: Dr. Pierre Dèzes, Piattaforma Geoscienze
Dichiarazione Pagina: 312


  • Scienze geologiche


Dr Pierre Dèzes
Piattaforma Geoscienze
Casa delle Accademie
Casella postale
3001 Berna
