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Life Sciences Postdoc Day 2018

Participation registration closes 9 September

Luogo della manifestazione

ETH Zürich
Auditorium Maximum
Rämistrasse 101
8092 Zürich

The annual PDD has been re-invented and expanded in 2018 to focus on scientific collaboration and transitioning from postdoctoral fellowships into future careers. PDD is followed on September 15th by Innovation Day, which provides more opportunities for those seeking networks between academia, industry, and clinical medicine. Together, these two days form the first "Open Innovation in Life Sciences" conference.

Life Sciences PostDoc Day 2018
Immagine: ETH Zürich

PDD is followed on 15 September by Innovation Day, which provides more opportunities for those seeking networks between academia, industry, and clinical medicine. Together, these two days form the first "Open Innovation in Life Sciences" conference.

"We Scientists 2035" workshop (13:00–15:00): changing research culture

The term research culture describes the values, norms and expectations of researchers and influences aspects such as research integrity, openness, inclusivity, academic career trajectories and the peer review system. It affects the environment, the people and ultimately, the quality of research that is performed. The workshop uses speculative design scenarios to encourage novel thinking about what an idealized research culture would look like in 27 years’ time, with the aim to start with small changes today.


  • cultura della scienza
  • Scienze della vita
Lingue: Inglese