TRAINING (2.4.1)

La plateforme regroupe les sociétés et les organes scientifiques liés aux géosciences. Cette plateforme constitue une interface de dialogue entre les différentes disciplines des géosciences, ainsi qu'entre la recherche, la pratique, les administrations, la politique et le public.en plus

Image : NASAen plus

CALL: scientific expertise for UN policy making (deadline: 29.02.2024)

This call of the International Science Council (ISC) is addressed to scientists who are interested in shaping UN policy making, e.g. as contributors to statements on behalf of the international scientific community, to virtual and in-person panels for policy-making audiences or as speakers in high-level debates.

Logo of International Science Council

In the UN system (President of the General Assembly, Secretariat, Science and Technology Major Group), the ISC established itself as "place to go to" for scientific expertise. To more effectively provide timely inputs on issues that are prominent on the UN agenda, the ISC is seeking for names of experts around 20 topics, on which it expects being called upon during 2024, such as foresight, science diplomacy, global digital cooperation, several SDGs, etc.



Dr. Roger Pfister
Secrétariat général
Maison des Académies
Case postale
3001 Berne