TRAINING (2.4.1)

La plateforme regroupe les sociétés et les organes scientifiques liés aux géosciences. Cette plateforme constitue une interface de dialogue entre les différentes disciplines des géosciences, ainsi qu'entre la recherche, la pratique, les administrations, la politique et le public.en plus

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Abstract volume Swiss Geoscience Meeting 2020, Zurich (online)

Shaping Earth: From Planet Accretion To Microbes

Abstract Volume SGM2020 Cover

1. Structural Geology, Tectonics and Geodynamics
2. Mineralogy, Petrology, Geochemistry
3. Stable and radiogenic isotope geochemistry: development and applications
4. Environmental Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements
5. Palaeontology
6. Stratigraphy and Sedimentology: processes and deposits through time
7. Seismic Hazard and Risk in Switzerland: From Science to Mitigation
8. Deep geothermal energy, CO2-storage and energy-related exploration of the subsurface
9. Quaternary environments: landscapes, climate, ecosystems and human activity during the past 2.6 million years
10. Geomorphology or Shaping Earth Surface
11. Soil: Formation, Processes, and Conservation
12. Cryospheric Sciences
13. Hydrology and Hydrogeology
14. Limnology in Switzerland and the new LéXPLORE infrastructure
15. Scientific Ocean Drilling: Driving Questions from a Swiss Prospective
16. Biosphere-Atmosphere Interactions and Greenhouse Gases
+ 17. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
18. Climatology
19. Tackling the Climate Crisis: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Climate Change Education and Communication
20. Remote Sensing of the Spheres
21. Geoscience and Geoinformation - From data acquisition to modelling and visualisation
22. Human Geographies: Bodies, Cultures, Societies
23. Human Geographies: Cities, Regions, Economies
24. Human Geographies: Materials, Natures, Politics
27. Mountains as contexts for global change: interdisciplinary experiences, challenges and new perspectives across the natural and social sciences

Auteurs : Dr Pierre Dèzes, Plateforme Géosciences
Maison d'édition : Académie suisse des sciences naturelles
Pages : 601


  • Cryosphère
  • Géochimie
  • Géochronologie
  • Géodésie
  • Géographie
  • Géologie
  • Géomorphologie
  • Géophysique
  • Géosciences
  • Géosphère
  • Géotechnique
  • Géothermie
  • Hydrogéologie
  • Hydrologie
  • Hydrologie, limnologie, glaciologie
  • Limnologie
  • Recherche sur le Quaternaire