La plateforme regroupe les sociétés et les organes scientifiques liés aux géosciences. Cette plateforme constitue une interface de dialogue entre les différentes disciplines des géosciences, ainsi qu'entre la recherche, la pratique, les administrations, la politique et le public.en plus
The Swiss Global Change Day is an event where the global change and Future Earth community can meet and discuss ongoing problems in a transdisciplinary manner. The aim is to present recent highlights in global environmental change research as well as to point out challenges for future research. Besides, there is an opportunity for people from governmental institutions and the private sector to ask questions and explain their needs and views on the topics presented.
Anabela Carvalho (University of Minho, Portugal): "Understanding collective (in)action on climate change: contributions of communication and critical social research"
Karin Ingold (University of Bern): "Acceptance of new policy measures: evidence from climate adaptation and mitigation"
Erich Fischer (ETH Zürich): "Global Weirding or insignificant change? – Extremes in a changing climate"
Hans-Joachim Mosler (University of Zürich): "Tackling environmental problems in developing countries: systematic behavior change for the most vulnerable"
Tim Lenton (University of Exeter): "Current knowledge on climate tipping points: should we change climate policy?"
Markus Reichstein (Max Planck Institute Biogeochemie Jena: "Climate and climate extreme effects on biogeochemical cycles - an observation driven exploration"
Poster Session 2017
The poster session is an opportunity to stay in touch with current Swiss research activities. Posters in the research area of global change will be awarded by a jury. The winners (students or post-docs) will receive a travel award of CHF 1000 each, which allows them to attend an international conference in the current year. The poster awards are sponsored by ACP, Future Earth National Committee and SAGW.
Posters can be submitted in the following categories:
Geosphere and Biosphere
Atmosphere and Hydrosphere
Human Dimensions and Sustainability
If you would like to enter the contest, you are asked to send a pdf file (max. 10MB) until 31 March 2017 to . You have the possibility to present your poster without entering the contest.