TRAINING (2.4.1)

Die Plattform vereint Fachgesellschaften und Fachgremien, die sich den Teilbereichen der Geowissenschaften widmen. Sie bildet die Schnittstelle zwischen den geowissenschaftlichen Fachgebieten sowie zwischen Forschung, Praxis, Verwaltung, Politik und Öffentlichkeit.mehr

Bild: NASAmehr

Abstract volume Swiss Geoscience Meeting 2022, Lausanne

Resilience and Transitions in Geosciences

Abstract Volume SGM2022 cover
  1. Structural Geology, Tectonics and Geodynamics
  2. Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochemistry
  3. Stable and radiogenic isotope geochemistry
  4. Environmental Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements
  5. Palaeontology
  6. Stratigraphy and Sedimentology: processes and deposits through time
  7. Seismic Hazard and Risk in Switzerland: From Science to Mitigation
  8. Deep geothermal energy, CO2-storage and energy-related exploration of the subsurface.
  9. Scientific Drilling Through Time and Space: On Land and Under the Sea
  10. Quaternary environments: landscapes, climate, ecosystems and human activity during the past 2.6 million years
  11. Geomorphology
  12. Soil: Formation, Processes, and Conservation
  13. Hydrology and Hydrogeology
  14. Limnology in Switzerland
  15. Cryospheric Sciences
  16. Atmospheric Composition and Biosphere-Atmosphere Interactions
  17. Climatology
  18. Tackling the Climate Crisis: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Climate Change Education and Communication
  19. Earth Observation and Remote Sensing
  20. Geoscience and Geoinformation - From data acquisition to modelling and visualisation
  21. Spatial data science: extracting knowledge from geo-environmental data
  22. Virtual Representation of Forests: Methods and Applications
  23. Alpine Hazards: Early Detection, Monitoring, Warning, Modelling, Mitigation
  24. Human Geographies: Materials, Natures, Politics
  25. Human Geographies: Bodies, Cultures, Societies
  26. Human Geographies: Cities, Regions, Economies
  27. Global change and sustainability issues in mountain areas

Autoren: Dr. Pierre Dèzes, Plattform Geowissenschaften
Verlag: SCNAT
Seitenangabe: 679


  • Bodenkunde
  • Geochemie
  • Geochronologie
  • Geodäsie
  • Geographie
  • Geologie
  • Geomorphologie
  • Geophysik
  • Geosphäre
  • Geotechnik
  • Geothermie
  • Geowissenschaften
  • Glaziologie
  • Hydrogeochemischer Kreislauf
  • Hydrogeologie
  • Hydrologie
  • Hydrologie, Limnologie, Glaziologie
  • Hydrosphäre
  • Kryosphäre
  • Paläontologie (Erdw.)
  • Permafrost
  • Quartärforschung
  • Sediment
  • Stratigraphie